Sunday, April 6, 2008

Catching up with old friends!

So tonight we went to visit some old friends for dinner. It was so much fun getting to catch up and I wonder why it took me so long to get together with her. Before we moved to El Mirage we did everthing together and I live no farther from her now then when I use to hang out with her before.

So I'm the worst at keeping in touch and LOVE the online websites like MySpace and Facebook because if it wasn't for them I would have never gotten together and its odd I always say I should call so and so and see how they are, and then I procrastonate and put it off I'm so bad about that. So if you read this and know what I mean I love you and want to catch up I'm just bad at it. Call me we'll chat and maybe get together.

And to my friend who I hung out with tonight I had a great time and we need to do it again soon!!!
(sorry no pictures, had to much fun catching up, but our kids get along great!)


Audra said...

THANKS - girl! I had a great time.

I can't wait to crash a wedding reception with you next month.

I have friends that are moving this summer, some far, some just 20 minutes away - they have no idea how hard it is to stay in touch when you are not in the same ward. Oh well.

It is always good to pick up on am old friendship - no matter how much time has past. THANKS for contacting me and you are good at keeping in touch.