Friday, June 25, 2010

Topsy Turvy

I've been wanting to make one for a long time... I was scared to try it, it is such an intimidating
technique I was afraid to try it for fear of all my hard work not working.
I showed a picture of one to my friends who asked me to make her a cake and she loved it. (Secretly I was hoping she wouldn't want one like that). So I researched and read and watched tutorials online a million times and finally did it!

The top tier after I carved and dirty Iced it...

Bottom tier after Carved and Iced... a much harder tier to do I had to carve a flat spot so the

top tier would sit right on it.

Top tier after I decorated it. I made Chocolate Fondant! It SMELLS So Yummy!

Fully assembled, the bottom tier was a pain to cover, the fondant the first time wasn't right and when I went to take off the fondant part of the upper part tryed to come off and was never right after I recovered it. But it turned out good.

After all the finishing touches (except the tag) A good experience over all! Thanks Audra for having me face my fear and learn a new technique!


Audra said...

You are the BEST! Thanks Amanda. I had no idea you didn't want to make this kind. You were the one that suggested it. Funny girl.

Love you to pieces. Way to face your fears. I love the documentation of the cake. It will always be the most thoughtful gift EVER!

Becca and fam said...

That is AWESOME! It looks so professional!