Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Home Made Christmas Presents

This year with a tight wallet I decided to make the kids home made Christmas presents. I was going to do allot of different things but our family received and over whelming amount of help this Christmas that only one was necessary. First I made Jedrek a Sock monkey!

When I was all done with that project I made Corben a sock elephant.

Alex wanted me to make him a color pencil roll up like his brother got from his aunt for his birthday but I found a cool pattern that hold color pencils and a small drawing pad.Can't forget Grandma & Grandpa! I made them a shirt with the kids hand prints on them. Instead of the same old panted hands I cut out the kids hands and taped them on to the shirt and sprayed it with bleach water. I love the effect and it good to know that the hand print won't come off after excessive washings! I have to give a BIG THANK YOU to my AWESOME sister in law who helped me embroider the wording on the shirts!I had a ton of fun doing all my projects and look forward to making more bleach water shirts!


Audra said...

LOVE the sock animals. YOU DID A GREAT JOB!

Becca and fam said...

LOVE the gifts! Your bleach idea turned out AWESOME! Bravo!