Friday, May 30, 2008

The End of School...

Well Wednesday was the last day of School and Alex's last day as an elementary student.

Jedrek got perfect attendance for the whole year! What a great accomplishment! I'm so happy for him!

A week ago the school had a lip sync and Alex and one of his friends participated. They chose to do a song by Weird Al Yankovic called Ebay. Well it was the hit of the whole lip sync and all the school loved it especialy the 6th graders so at the end of the awards Assembly the Principal said we have a special song for the 6th grade to walk out to. I thought it was going to be something sappy but lo and behold it was Ebay. Alex decided to take the time to make one last performance for his fellow students!


This is a video of Alex preforming at one of his concerts. It's not the best quality it just from my cell phone.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Early Anniversary Trip

Monday Jed and I headed out to Sedona for an early anniversary trip. It was just in time to beat the 110 degree weather. We had a great time and got to do a little hiking. My favorite hike is Devils Bridge. I highly recommend it to any one making the trip to Sedona. This picture is at Grasshopper Point it looks like a post card. I love it
<----Devil's Bridge

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Update Time

Been slow on the blogging sorry for that, as of today Jed is still employed and things look like it may stay that way, (cross our fingers). I went on a field trip with Jedrek's Class to the wild life world zoo.
Registered Corben in Kindergarten (WOO HOO!) Watched Jedrek's second grade perform songs they have learned through out the year.

Lost a week and a half to the twilight series (LOVE 'EM!) And got to meet my first nephew and celebrate his 18th birthday!
Such a good thing as we thought we might ever get to meet him! Long story! All in all it's been a bit fun and crazy. Can't wait till summer break!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm Hooked!

So it took me forever to finally pick up this book my niece said I would love but I FINLEY did and I got in trouble by my Hubie cuz for two days I was gone. Now if you know me I HATE to read it really has to pull me in. Even though I love the Harry Potter books it still takes me awhile to finish them! I can't wait to pick up the next one and for the movie! I still can't belive I read 500 pages in two days!